💡What is Widget One?
Widget One (W1) by Pixel Zero Digital Solutions © 2023 (www.pixelzero.solutions) is a gamified productivity and accountability bot for Discord built on the principles of Intrinsic Motivation and Meaningful Gamification.
🏫By Teachers; For Teachers
We’ve surveyed the Discord bot market and claim that Widget One is the first Discord gamification bot that’s actually created with the teacher in mind.
Many similar bots have communities that end up needing to create teams of moderators just to manage the gamification dynamics of the server. Being teachers ourselves, we find this simply infeasible and far from the truth. We’ve made it very VERY easy for teachers to check submitted work and gain access to reports in each of the servers / classes / teams they manage, without compromising the essential online human-to-human interaction that defines the teacher-student dynamic.
We seek to empower the team of One. Everything you need is a command. the One teacher who wants to engage a class. The One manager who would like to motivate a team. The One leader who would like to introduce a novel change in the reward structure of an organization. Widget One scales with you are you grow your community.
📊 Science-Based Gamification
We saw that many (if not all) similar bots implement gamification mechanics that activate external motivation (BLAP gamification – Badges, Leaderboards, Awards, Points).
This is… of course, okay. But we would like to offer the insight that research/development teams around the world who don’t even know each other are producing work that’s pointing to the same unified conclusion, that external motivation is unsustainable and does not induce identity level changes in the learner, and that meaningful gamification elements geared towards activating internal motivation instead are better overall.
“If all the religions of the world, created independently from each other, say that humility is good. Isn’t it logical to consider being humble?”
Stillness is the Key, Ryan Holiday
Activating internal motivation and designing meaningful gamification features is at the center of Widget-One.
🧭 Our Motivation

Widget One is a solution born out of necessity, fulfilling the void we encountered.
Now, it’s here, ready to empower and serve you as well.
🎓 Our Qualifications
The developers, Jen and Neithan, have been publishing Scopus-based articles on Gamification since 2012.
Jen’s Scholar Profile
Neithan’s Scholar Profile
We love talking about Gamification, so send us an email and let’s connect!
🧰 Features
🌐 Invite Widget One to all Discord servers you manage
Upon purchase of Widget-One a secure link will be provided so you can add the bot to any/all Discord servers you manage. You may have an unlimited number of classes/teams/groups running Widget One.

🎮 Generate prominent Gamification dimensions as channels
You may use the command

📬 Receive submissions for checking
Your students/team may use the

These formal submissions appear as direct messages in the teacher’s / owner’s inbox for easy checking.

🔍 Use Discord reactions to easily check submitted work
Teachers / owners may use the standard Discord reactions to accept or reject (ask for revisions) submitted work. Accepting submissions awards the corresponding points to the author of the submission.

📈 Allow students the agency to check their progress
Students may use the

⭐️ Celebrate individual milestones
When students level up their profiles or a level up occurs in any of the dimensions/channels, Widget One broadcasts the achievement to the Server as well as the World Ticker.

🌎 Foster a sense of shared grind through the World Ticker
This world ticker shows all Widget One activities (level ups, submissions, approvals, rejections) across all Discord servers using Widget-One. You may embed the world ticker on your own webpage using the code you have received upon purchase of any of the Widget One versions below. The details of the submissions won’t show up in the world ticker (files uploaded, links to submitted artifacts, etc.), the purpose of the ticker is to give a pulse of the activities happening worldwide similar to the HUD notifications we have in classic MMO-RPG games.
👑 Add gamemasters
Use the

⚖️ Calibrate the levelling protocol
Use the

📖 Widget One Levelling Guide
Widget One Level Up Structure
Widget One follows a 2-tiers levelling up system similar to Ragnarok and Ingress. Players will be able to level up their accounts until a certain level where proficiency in different domains/channels/skills are demanded. This is to ensure a certain level of holistic development in the part of the player.
Account Level Up Formula
1 | 16 | 5 | 5 | None |
2 | 18.24900959 | 6 | 11 | None |
3 | 21.47300784 | 7 | 13 | None |
4 | 25.55606329 | 8 | 15 | None |
5 | 30.42584657 | 10 | 18 | None |
6 | 36.03086452 | 12 | 22 | None |
7 | 42.33170144 | 14 | 26 | 3🪵 |
8 | 49.2967508 | 16 | 30 | 3🪵, 3🛖 |
9 | 56.8998305 | 18 | 35 | 5🪵, 3🛖, 1🪨 |
10 | 65.11872336 | 21 | 40 | 5🪵, 5🛖, 3🪨 |
11 | 73.93422336 | 24 | 46 | 5🪵, 5🛖, 5🪨 1🧱 |
12 | 83.32948041 | 27 | 52 | 5🪵, 5🛖, 5🪨 3🧱, 1🏠 |
13 | 93.28953236 | 31 | 58 | 5🪵, 5🛖, 5🪨 5🧱, 3🏠 |
14 | 103.80096 | 34 | 65 | 5🪵, 5🛖, 5🪨 5🧱, 5🏠, 1🏛 |
15 | 114.8516258 | 38 | 72 | 5🪵, 5🛖, 5🪨 5🧱, 5🏠, 3🏛 |
16 | 126.4304721 | 42 | 80 | 5🪵, 5🛖, 5🪨 5🧱, 5🏠, 3🏛 1🔩 |
17 | 138.5273618 | 46 | 88 | 5🪵, 5🛖, 5🪨 5🧱, 5🏠, 5🏛 3🔩, 1🚀 |
18 | 151.1329509 | 50 | 96 | 5🪵, 5🛖, 5🪨 5🧱, 5🏠, 5🏛 5🔩, 3🚀, 1🪐 |
19 | 164.2385846 | 54 | 105 | 5🪵, 5🛖, 5🪨 5🧱, 5🏠, 5🏛 5🔩, 5🚀, 3🪐 |
20 | 177.8362126 | 59 | 114 | 5🪵, 5🛖, 5🪨 5🧱, 5🏠, 5🏛 5🔩, 5🚀, 5🪐 |
<max level reached> | ||||
Tier / Skill / Channel Level Up Formula
1 | Woodcutter🪵: Novice – Shows early signs of progress in developing the skill. | 11 | 3 | 3 |
2 | Carpenter 🛖: Rudimentary – Demonstrates a basic understanding of the skill and can apply it in simple scenarios. | 12 | 4 | 7 |
3 | Stonemason 🪨: Developing – Making steady progress in advancing skills and gaining overall proficiency in the subject. | 14 | 4 | 9 |
4 | Bricklayer 🧱 : Competent – Possesses a solid foundation and can comfortably tackle more complex tasks related to the skill being developed. | 16 | 5 | 10 |
5 | Architect 🏠: Skilled – Capable of designing and structuring solutions, applying best practices and patterns. | 19 | 6 | 12 |
6 | Philosopher 🏛: Advanced – Demonstrates deep understanding of the skill being honed and can think critically about out-of-the box matters regarding the skill being developed. | 22 | 7 | 13 |
7 | Engineer 🔩: Expert – Possesses extensive practical experience (volume of work completed within class), and able to not only solve complex problems but also optimize solutions. | 25 | 8 | 15 |
8 | Astronaut 🚀: Elite – Recognized as a top performer in the field (in class), pushes boundaries and shows signs of innovation in terms of the programming skill being developed. | 28 | 9 | 17 |
9 | Stargazer 🪐: Master – Exhibits complete mastery and command of the skill, a recognized authority and leader in the subject. Literally can be hired now (in the context of the skill being developed). | 31 | 10 | 20 |
<max level reached> | ||||
🔖Product Versions
Whether you’re hosting an intimate gamified Discord server for your friends, trying to make your class more engaging, or attempting to totally disrupt and fortify the reward structure of your organization, we’ve got the right Widget-One version for you.

The Casual Enjoyer Version is for teachers, managers and organizations who are dipping their toes in gamifying a small crowd of Discord participants
✅Invite Widget-One to an unlimited number of guilds.
✅Guild Owner can assign Game Masters.
✅Game Masters can approve/reject submissions.
✅Guild Members may $submit proofs on any skill channel.
✅Submitted proofs get sent to Game Masters inbox for easy checking.
✅Guild Members experience the Widget-One standard levelling protocol…
✅…and will level up their accounts / skill channels in guilds independently.
✅Guild Members may view their $stats.
✅All guild activity will be reflected on World Ticker for accountability.
✅World Ticker may be embedded in your own casual/school/organizational webpage/site.
✅Guild Owners may generate pre-set skill channels based on popular Gamification frameworks.
❌Generate reports of guild activity (submissions, levels, engagement).
❌Access to a moderated guild-wide and world-wide leaderboard.
❌Full control of levelling protocol (adjust level boundaries and requirements per level).
❌Guild Owners and Game Masters have access to Widget-One logs for analysis.
❌Analytics Dashboard.
✅Bot Setup and Configuration
✅Uninterrupted support and troubleshooting.
✅Bug fixes.
❌Feature enhancements.
❌Personalized guides for your company/organization.
❌OAuth Integration with your company/organization software (when applicable).
❌Gamification guidance from 2 Gamification Experts/Researchers for possible research.

The Curious Adventurer Version is for teachers, managers and organizations who have some experience in gamification and are keen to personalizing the standard Widget One gamification experience and levelling protocol. This is the researcher-friendly version of Widget One as the owner is given access to interaction logs for ad hoc analysis.
✅Invite Widget-One to an unlimited number of guilds.
✅Guild Owner can assign Game Masters.
✅Game Masters can approve/reject submissions.
✅Guild Members may $submit proofs on any skill channel.
✅Submitted proofs get sent to Game Masters inbox for easy checking.
✅Guild Members experience the Widget-One standard levelling protocol…
✅…and will level up their accounts / skill channels in guilds independently.
✅Guild Members may view their $stats.
✅All guild activity will be reflected on World Ticker for accountability.
✅World Ticker may be embedded in your own casual/school/organizational webpage/site.
✅Guild Owners may generate pre-set skill channels based on popular Gamification frameworks.
✅Generate reports of guild activity (submissions, levels, engagement).
✅Access to a moderated guild-wide and world-wide leaderboard.
❌Full control of levelling protocol (adjust level boundaries and requirements per level).
✅Guild Owners and Game Masters have access to Widget-One logs for analysis.
❌Analytics Dashboard.
✅Bot Setup and Configuration
✅Uninterrupted support and troubleshooting.
✅Bug fixes.
❌Feature enhancements.
❌Personalized guides for your company/organization.
❌OAuth Integration with your company/organization software (when applicable).
❌Gamification guidance from 2 Gamification Experts/Researchers for possible research.

The Game Master Version is for teachers, managers, research teams and organizations who are invested in exploring professional gamification. On top of access to logs and complete freedom in customization, this version provides (1) a server-wide analytics dashboard for seamless monitoring, (2) feature development and integration with existing company systems and (3) pro-active guidance and collaboration in research and development work with Pixel Zero.
✅Invite Widget-One to an unlimited number of guilds.
✅Guild Owner can assign Game Masters.
✅Game Masters can approve/reject submissions.
✅Guild Members may $submit proofs on any skill channel.
✅Submitted proofs get sent to Game Masters inbox for easy checking.
✅Guild Members experience the Widget-One standard levelling protocol…
✅…and will level up their accounts / skill channels in guilds independently.
✅Guild Members may view their $stats.
✅All guild activity will be reflected on World Ticker for accountability.
✅World Ticker may be embedded in your own casual/school/organizational webpage/site.
✅Guild Owners may generate pre-set skill channels based on popular Gamification frameworks.
✅Generate reports of guild activity (submissions, levels, engagement).
✅Access to a moderated guild-wide and world-wide leaderboard.
✅Full control of levelling protocol (adjust level boundaries and requirements per level).
✅Guild Owners and Game Masters have access to Widget-One logs for analysis.
✅Analytics Dashboard.
✅Bot Setup and Configuration
✅Uninterrupted support and troubleshooting.
✅Bug fixes.
✅Feature enhancements.
✅Personalized guides for your company/organization.
✅OAuth Integration with your company/organization software (when applicable).
✅Gamification guidance from 2 Gamification Experts/Researchers for possible research.
🛠️ Patch Notes
Widget One gets better literally every week. 🙂
Watch us make this the best bot of its kind.
The days are long; The decades are short.
Date | Fixes, Improvements, Features |
Sept 4, 2023 | 💡 Force level up specific player in specific channel. Usage: $accept username nameOfExercise 💡 Emoticons that give different amount of points 💡 Accept submissions in threads inside a channel 💡 Reports for teachers. Perhaps, .csv containing username, realname, records 💡 Ability to tag a username with an internal realname 💡 $realname username 💡 List of accomplished tasks per player and corresponding $solved <username> <task identifier> |
Aug 31, 2023 | Presented Widget-One in a webinar hosted by DICT-Camarines Norte Region V Link to Publication Material Link to Full Webinar |
Aug 29, 2023 | ✅ Server upgraded to Always-on Plan |
July 21, 2023 – Aug 28, 2023 | 🔎 Initial use and experimentation |
July 20, 2023 | 🎉 v 1.0 Widget One has arrived (Official launch). |
July 19, 2023 | ✅Levelling guide ✅Feature explainer gifs/images |
July 17, 2023 | ✅Acquisition testing from order to payment to transfer of software to initial launch and use ✅Setup Payment Gateways and Widget-One Shop |
July 14, 2023 | ✅World ticker ⛔World ticker replies? (not possible) ✅Submissions get sent to teachers/gamemasters via direct messages. Links to original submissions in the original channels available ✅Attachment files reflected in embed messages both in the channels they were sent in and in the direct messages to the game masters for easy checking. |
July 13, 2023 | ⚙️World ticker ✅Command to create channels based on the pre-set Gamification Frameworks: Self-determination (Jen’s framework), Xiphias Gamification. ✅convert message.channel.sends to print ✅Similarly named channels in different Servers should be treated independently |
July 12, 2023 | ⚙️Similarly named channels in different Servers should be treated independently ✅Progress of players in each Discord Server should be tracked separately. ✅Owner of server is set to be gamemaster (can award points and check submissions) ✅$addgamemaster command has been added to the bot command list. |
July 5, 2023 | ⚙️ Progress of players in each Discord Server should be tracked separately. ✅ Tier levelling mechanics (up to LVL 20) implemented and tested. ✅ Sword avatars 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16 |
… | … |
If you find any bugs on the website, or features you would want implemented, kindly message us at neithan@pixelzero.solutions or jen@pixelzero.solutions Ty! ☀️
📢 Formal Launch
If you’re a teacher using Discord to enable a dynamic and interactive classroom environment, say hello to Widget-One, the gamification Discord bot designed by teachers, for teachers! 🚀
Widget One is a gamified productivity and accountability bot for Discord built on the principles of Intrinsic Motivation and Meaningful Gamification. 🎯
We’ve surveyed the Discord bot market and claim that Widget One is the first Discord gamification bot that’s created with the teacher in mind. We seek to empower the team of One — eliminating the need for teams of moderators to manage the gamification dynamics. Everything you need is a command. the One teacher who wants to engage a class. The One manager who would like to motivate a team. The One leader who would like to introduce a novel change in the reward structure of an organization. Widget One scales with you as you grow your community. 🌟
Gamification researchers agree that external motivation, especially in learning environments, is often unsustainable and does not induce identity-level changes in the learner. Widget One seeks to activate internal motivation by fostering a sense of community 🤝, accountability ⏰, and identity-building 🌱.
Widget One is a solution born out of necessity, fulfilling the void we encountered. Now, it’s here, ready to empower and serve you as well. 🔑
📱Dev Notes
We have a lot to share. Dev Notes coming soon… 🙂