🛠️ Patch Notes
Date | Fixes, Improvements, Features |
June 22, 2023 | Updated SHA-3 security layer. |
June 2, 2023 | angatbuhay.ph officially launched. |
… | … |
If you find any bugs in the website, or features you would want implemented, kindly message us at neithan@pixelzero.solutions or jen@pixelzero.solutions and we will relay your suggestions to the Angat Buhay team for consideration. Ty! ☀️
📢 Formal Launch
We are thrilled to share the launch of the official Angat Buhay website – angatbuhay.ph
Pixel Zero is happy to have worked on this project for an organization whose mission is to uplift lives and create lasting impact.
📱Dev Notes
On the development side, it was really fun to create an interactive Philippine map showing the scope of Angat Buhay’s advocacy projects. This was a data-driven implementation where a spreadsheet controls the elements and information represented on the map. So cool to see it working.
For an organization that leverages the use of different social media outlets to showcase their progress and establish their brand, having a dedicated page for news and updates made sense. It functions as a space to consolidate all of their content, allowing visitors to conveniently access a snapshot of Angat Buhay’s current endeavors and future plans.
The website also had links to communicate several ways of engaging with the organization’s cause.

📺 Media
Here we collect all the published materials about the website after its launch. Please feel free to click on the images. They should take you to the original posts/articles.